$39.00 USD

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Short Course: Tuning Forks | Creating Healing Musical Intervals

Learn to work effectively with unweighted tuning forks in the Harmonic Spectrum Set to create the healing effects of musical intervals.

This course includes:

  • 4 x video tutorials with practical instructions on how to work effectively with the unweighted tuning forks in the Harmonic Spectrum set for sound healing
  • a PDF handbook that you can read online and download
  • a comprehensive workbook to guide your learning
  • a checklist of the health benefits of the 8 tuning forks covered in this course

Plus an exclusive bonus:

  • 2 x video tutorials covering the Science, Art & Alchemy Of Integral Sound Healing

Altogether, over 2 hours of top-quality online sound healing training!

You'll get all this immediately for only $39 when you join our online course!