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Sound Healing - A Medicine of the Future?

future of sound healing Oct 20, 2021
Sound healing in hospitals

Sound Healing - A Medicine of the Future?

This month we spoke to Dr Conny Lerch about the future of sound healing in anaesthesia.
Dr Lerch is a Consultant Anaesthetist and also a qualified sound healing practitioner with a Diploma in Integral Sound Healing from the Sound Healing Academy. 

She recently represented the Sound Healing Academy in giving a presentation to the Annual National Conference of the Indian Society of Anaesthetists which took place on October 15th 2021.

She shares with us how she feels the millennial workforce needs to be open minded and to have new solutions, including sound healing,  on how to maintain a sustainable and holistic health service.
 Dr Conny Lerch, FRCA, Consultant Anaesthetist Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Birmingham, UK.
Dr Lerch highlights the need for 3 types of early intervention and causative treatments:
  • prevention
  • prophylaxis
  • pre-habilitation
She believes the implementation of these will minimise the use of more advanced hi-tech, costly treatments.
Dr Lerch believes sound healing is an adjunct to any modern medicine, empowering carers, doctors and nurses to create an appropriate environment in hospitals for healing.
  View our  talk with Dr Lerch covering some of the points covered in her presentation. 
View Dr Lerch's full presentation to the 
Annual National Conference of the Indian Society of Anaesthetists


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