Sound Healing Training | Sound Bath Training | Sound Therapy | Certification

What Is Sound Healing?

 Sound Healing is a powerful therapy that combines different healing sounds, music, and sound healing instruments to improve our multidimensional well-being by creating a beautiful experience where all layers of our luminous energy field (body, mind, soul, spirit) are awakened gently and lovingly.

Integral Sound Healing is highly effective at triggering our relaxation response, which counters the many symptoms caused by chronic stress, while helping to balance our whole being. 

Sound Healing Instruments that are easy to play can be applied both on the body and off-the-body, whilst also incorporating vocal sounds and tones.

Sound Therapy techniques are delivered using instruments such as Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, and more, both during a one-on-one sound healing session or sound bath.

Gong golden pattern

About Integral Sound Healing

Integral Sound Healing is a powerful process which balances body, mind and spirit. Developed by The Sound Healing Academy, this method is a blend of modern scientific research, ancient wisdom, art and sound therapy.

Sound has always been used to heal and balance many aspects of our lives. It has been linked with all of the great spiritual philosophies of the world and has been woven into the fabric of humanity through time and civilisations. Many have spent a lifetime spreading transformative sounds to those with the wisdom to embrace its immense potential for spiritual transformation and healing.

It's based on consciously applying processes and techniques to facilitate healing based on the 5 elements whilst integrating ancient wisdom, modern science, art, musicality and the alchemy of healing all in one.

Sound has been interwoven into humanity’s psyche as a means of healing, understanding and transforming the body, mind, heart and spirit. Scientific and modern-day spiritual communities are only now catching up with this arcane wisdom. It is only in the last few decades that ancient sound wisdom of the past has been rediscovered.

The Background Of Sound Healing

For many thousands of years, ancient sages, masters and enlightened communities have known about and understood the significance and importance of sound as a sacred instrument of immense power and potential, not only for healing but also for spiritual development. 

Ancient civilisations revered sound so deeply that they believed it called the universe into creation. These communities have been working in harmony with and incorporating sound into their rituals, ceremonies, rites of passage, meditations, celebrations and healing philosophies as far back as the dawn of humanity.

Shamans, priests, priestesses, healers, masters and medicine men and women from the four corners of the earth have worked with sound in sacred ways since ancient times and have created many sound instruments to assist them.

The variety of sound instruments or tools used by ancient civilisations is extensive. The emergence of sound as a holistic or complementary therapy highlights the importance of sound as a significant healing and transformational tool for the 21st century and beyond.

Gong golden pattern
Colourful lotus made of energy

The Science Of Integral Sound Healing

The vibrational forces of sound are emitted from the movement or vibration of all matter. They manifest in a constant cacophony of sound waves, endlessly resonating in the universal sea of consciousness. 

These sounds are both audible and inaudible to the human senses. Regardless of our capacity to hear or feel sound waves, they manifest as cause and effect, not only to us as human beings but also to the wider world around us. Sound waves wash over us at every second of every minute, and hour of every day and continue to vibrate endlessly.

The sound vibrations of the sound healing instruments penetrate deep into the tissue. This improves blood circulation and metabolism, regulates muscle tension and deeply stimulates the tissue. Moreover, regeneration and repair mechanisms are stimulated.  Sound healing is both activating and relaxing – so it also has a refreshing effect.

The oscillation, or resonance, of molecules, triggered by the sound vibrations cause alternating compression and relaxation of cells. It is, in effect, a form of massage at a cellular level deep within the tissue undergoing the treatment.

The Benefits Of Sound Healing Therapy

Integral Sound Healing is used to alleviate symptoms caused by many conditions, including anxiety, PTSD, dementia, cancer, behavioural and psychiatric disorders, and much more.

It also helps lower stress, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart conditions such as artery disease and stroke, whilst improving sleep quality and overall well being.

Deep relaxation is the most significant benefit of sound healing, followed by its energetic deep tissue massage effect caused by the sound vibrations that open, clear, and balance the chakras, whilst releasing stuck energy.

Ultimately, sound therapy supports our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, leaving us feeling balanced and refreshed.

Sound healer doing sound healing therapy on a woman with tuning forks
Sound healing practitioner singing on crystal bowls in a room

What To Expect From A Sound Healing Session

At The Sound Healing Academy, we specialise in combining sound healing instruments in specific ways to influence people’s brainwave frequencies, enabling them to enter an altered state of consciousness, similar to very deep relaxation or meditation techniques.

Everyone's experience is different, and new things may emerge in each sound therapy session. Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during sound healing, whereas some have visualisations, receive downloads, or even have emotional breakthroughs.

Our trained Sound Healing Practitioners can create a treatment specific to their client’s symptomatic state and their intention for the sound healing therapy.

For example, a relaxing session is very different from an energising one, as if a person has muscle tension, then Tibetan bowls will be placed on the body and played in a specific way, whereas if another person is in chronic pain, a gong or drum will be used.

How Does It Work

Sound healing sessions can be experienced 1-to-1 with a trained practitioner, where the client will be either sitting or lying down while listening to music or sounds from healing instruments.

The client can receive healing vibrations on and around the body using special tools, such as tuning forks. Depending on the method, the practitioner may encourage the client to sing, move, or even use a musical instrument.

However, most people prefer to remain still, quiet, and relaxed, to allow the healing sounds to penetrate their mind, body, and soul.

Another way of benefiting from the healing power of sound is participating in a Sound Bath, where participants lie on their backs (Savasana position in yoga), whilst a sound healing practitioner facilitates the session.

Sound healer in a session with a tuning fork on a woman's forehead
Tibetan bowl next to a cherry blossom branch

Sound Healing Contraindications

Pregnant women are advised to be cautious when participating in any form of sound healing, especially during the first 12 weeks, by avoiding sound instruments being placed on the body, and anyone with serious mental health issues should always consult their doctor before receiving sound therapy.

Those with sound-induced epilepsy should always consult their doctor to ensure they receive the best anti-epileptic medication and are in no danger of seizures caused by healing sounds vibrations.

For people with an implanted heart pacemaker, stent, or shunt, always keep the sound instruments at a minimum distance of 20 cm, and never use them directly on or near metal implants.

In case of any prior nerve damage, avoid sound healing, and do not place any instruments near open wounds or scars that are not yet healed.

Sound Healing Courses

For those interested in learning how to work with the resonant vibrations of sound healing, at The Sound Healing Academy, we offer extensive integral sound healing training and sound bath training through online courses and in-person workshops across 3 continents (Europe, USA, and Australia).

With our Online Sound Healing Courses, beginners through to advanced practitioners can explore and enhance their experience using crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, drums, and more, whilst studying on our Online Learning Centre at their convenience. 

Alongside, our Sound Healing Training Courses are taught both in-person and online on Zoom worldwide, where participants can experience transformational and life-changing experiences whilst discovering the world of integral sound healing.

Sound healer playing a ying yang drum in a park with cherry blossom trees
Hands holding a Tibetan bowl on a colourful background and the sound healing academy logo

What’s Next

We invite you to step into your own healing journey as well as learn a unique healing modality for the mind, body, soul, and spirit by learning all the skills and knowledge you need in Integral Sound Healing, so you can join us in our mission of raising the collective consciousness.

Take a look at our Sound Healing Academy Testimonials and see what our students, Teachers, and Practitioners have to say about us.

If you are interested in experiencing the endless benefits of healing sounds or want to get in touch directly, you can find our teachers and practitioners worldwide by searching them on our Directory page.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on our Blog for interesting research, news, and articles about the healing power of sound, mindfulness, self-care practices, and much more. And in case you want to know more about what is sound healing, don’t hesitate to check our Help page or Contact us, as we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have.

"We’ve provided professional sound healing training since 2003 to students and practitioners in over 70 countries worldwide, thanks to our unique Integral Sound Healing process, a highly effective technique based on vibrational energy medicine."

Online Sound Healing Courses
In Person Training Courses