Sound Healing Training | Sound Bath Training | Sound Therapy | Certification

Sound Healing With Perfect Fifths Unweighted Tuning Forks

tuning forks Aug 25, 2018
Sound Healing With Perfect Fifths Unweighted Tuning Forks

Tony Nec demonstrates the use of our custom designed unweighted tuning forks around the ears of a client in sound healing. 

These forks are all tuned to create a musical interval of a perfect fifth and are very harmonizing - great for de-stressing! 

These tuning forks compliment the use of our healing pipes and weighted tuning forks, which are also tuned to the perfect fifth ratios. 

The unweighted tuning forks in this set are best played off the body of a client with them lying in a supine position (facing up).

The 7 unweighted forks are all played close to the ears of a client.

This calms the central and peripheral nervous systems and helps to balance the energy in the chakras, tonifying and nourishing depleted energy where necessary.

The most powerful and holistic sound healing session is created when all 3 sets are played consecutively, one after the other, in this order:

  1. Healing tuned pipes
  2. Unweighted tuning forks
  3. Weighted tuning forks

You can spend approximately 10 minutes playing each set, thereby making a 30 minute protocol for a sound healing session.

This can be 'topped and tailed' with other sound healing instruments and techniques tailored to meet the particular needs of each individual client.

Click here for more on the healing tuned pipes

Click here for more on the weighted tuning forks

To purchase a set of these forks, click here



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