Sound Healing Training | Sound Bath Training | Sound Therapy | Certification

Perfect Fifths Healing Tuned Pipes & Forks

Free Online Sound Healing Course

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  • Learn all about perfect fifths healing tuned pipes
  • Dive more deeply into advanced playing techniques
  • Learn about perfect fifth tuning forks, both weighted and unweighted

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Healing pipes and forks tuned to the musical interval of the perfect fifth are wonderful for relaxing and de-stressing.

In this free sound healing course, you'll get:

5 instructional video tutorials covering the perfect fifth set of 7 healing tuned pipes

  • what are perfect fifth tuned pipes
  • how to build the stand to hold the tuned pipes
  • foundational playing techniques
  • more advanced playing techniques on how to play the pipes
  • using the supplied hand stand

2 instructional video tutorials covering the perfect fifth sets of healing tuned forks

  • how to work with the set of 7 unweighted perfect fifth tuning forks
  • how to work with the set of 7 weighted perfect fifth tuning forks
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