Sound Healing With Perfect Fifths Weighted Tuning Forks
Aug 25, 2018
In this video, Tony Nec demonstrates the use of weighted tuning forks tuned to the perfect fifth ratio, a set of forks that is very harmonizing and great for de-stressing!
The weighted tuning forks in this set are best played directly on the body of a client, with them lying in a prone position (facing down). This can also be carried out with a client lying on their side, if that is more comfortable.
The 5 weighted forks are played on the coccyx, sacrum and along the spine, corresponding to the 5 lower chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, and throat.
The 2 unweighted forks for the third eye and crown chakras are played off the body close to the head of the client to complete the protocol.
These tuning forks compliment the use of our healing tuned pipes and unweighted tuning forks, which are also tuned to the perfect fifth ratios.
The most powerful and holistic sound healing session is created when all 3 sets are played consecutively, one after the other, in this order:

- Healing tuned pipes
- Unweighted tuning forks
- Weighted tuning forks
You can spend approximately 10 minutes playing each set, thereby making a 30 minute protocol for a sound healing session.
This can be "topped and tailed" with other sound healing instruments and techniques tailored to meet the particular needs of each individual client.
To purchase this set of tuning forks and for more information, please email [email protected]
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Join one of our Online Tuning Forks Courses and our FREE course, Perfect Fifths Healing Tuned Pipes & Forks!
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