Sound Healing Training | Sound Bath Training | Sound Therapy | Certification

De-stress & Relax With Tibetan Singing Bowls

Short Sound Healing Course

Tibetan Singing Bowls
  • Learn to work effectively with Tibetan singing bowls to trigger the relaxation response, to help yourself, family, friends, and clients
  • Integrate sound healing into your already existing healing practice
  • Deepen your sound healing knowledge and skills in using Tibetan singing bowls to relax and destress

Join Our Short Sound Healing Course

Learn effective techniques for sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls to help yourself and others in your life that you care about.

Learn to heal effectively and relax with the pure sounds of Tibetan singing bowls.

In this course, you'll learn how to de-stress and trigger the relaxation response with Tibetan singing bowls.

Many studies have shown that chronic stress is associated with 60% - 90% of health challenges that people present to their physicians/medical doctors.

Triggering the relaxation response with Tibetan singing bowls effectively helps people to overcome the symptoms of ill-health associated with chronic stress.

When you join this course, you'll:

  • Feel confident working with Tibetan singing bowls for healing
  • Help yourself with healing sounds
  • Give effective sound healing sessions to the people you care about
  • Integrate sound healing techniques into an existing therapy/healing practice
  • Lay a solid foundation for a career in sound healing, working 1-2-1 with clients
Purchase Course For $39

What You'll Get On This Course

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

You'll get access to 8 video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on working with Tibetan singing bowls to balance the chakras.

The Sound Therapy Shop

Are you looking for high-quality and affordable Tibetan singing bowls to complete this online sound healing course?

Head over to our shop & browse our collection of Tibetan Singing Bowls!

USA Shop
UK Shop

More Information