Sound Healing Training | Sound Bath Training | Sound Therapy | Certification

How To Heal With The Song Of The Spine Tuning Forks

Short Sound Healing Course

Tibetan Singing Bowls
  • Learn to heal effectively with the weighted Song Of The Spine Tuning Fork Set to help yourself, your family, friends, and clients
  • Integrate sound healing into your already existing healing practice
  • Deepen your sound healing knowledge and skills in healing with the song of the spine tuning forks

Join Our Short Sound Healing Course

Learn how to heal effectively with the weighted Song Of The Spine Tuning Forks Set.

In this course, you'll learn how to work with these tuning forks to enhance the effectiveness of the sound healing process, specifically targeted at the vertebrae.

This is an amazing introduction to working with the healing sounds of tuning forks!

When you join this course, you'll:

  • Feel confident working with tuning forks for healing
  • Help yourself with healing sounds to feel more relaxed and calm
  • Give effective sound healing sessions to the people you care about: your family and friends
  • Lay a solid foundation for a career in sound healing, working 1-2-1 with clients

This course covers working with the Song Of The Spine Tuning Forks frequencies to specifically tune the thoracic, lumbar and cervical vertebrae having identified spine subluxations using well established muscle testing techniques.

Extensive research shows that these tuning forks help to:

  • reduce stress
  • alleviate pain and increase mobility in joints and muscles
  • help our bodies to detox
  • ... and much more
Purchase Course For $49

What You'll Get On This Course

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

You'll get access to 14 video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on how to work with the Song Of The Spine Tuning Forks Set.

The Sound Therapy Shop

Are you looking for high-quality and affordable tuning forks to complete this online sound healing course?

Head over to our shop & browse our collection of Tuning Forks!

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