Sound Healing Training | Sound Bath Training | Sound Therapy | Certification

Level 1 Certificate: Foundations Of Integral Sound Healing

Rhythm & Drums Online Course

Tibetan Singing Bowls

Level 1 Sound Healing With Rhythm & Drums

  • This 3-month certified online drum course guides you through how to work with drums to create transformative integral sound healing experiences
  • Learn effective techniques for sound healing with drums to help yourself and others
  • Take your first step towards receiving a rhythm & drum certification
Purchase Course For $498 USD

Learn How To Use Rhythm & Drums For Healing

Learn effective techniques for sound healing with rhythm & drums to help yourself and others.

What to expect from this course:

  • Feel confident working with rhythm, drums and other grounding instruments
  • Help yourself with healing sounds to feel more relaxed and calm
  • Offer effective sound healing sessions to your family and friends
  • Integrate sound healing techniques into an existing therapy / healing practice
  • Lay a solid foundation to advance onto our Level 2 Practitioner Diploma Courses

What you'll learn on this healing voice course:

  • How sound healing works - the science, art and alchemy of our unique method of Integral Sound Healing
  • How to work effectively with easy-to-play Rhythm, Drums and Grounding Instruments
  • Healing skills and techniques for working both off-body and on-body
Begin Your Journey Today

What You'll Learn On This Course

What's Included In Your Online Learning Portal

With us, you'll get a lot more than easy access to an online library of videos and other resources. You'll be linked with a real, live person as a tutor!

Personal Tutor

Personal Tutor

You'll have a personal tutor who will guide you to successfully complete the course. You'll get answers to your questions by email and in a live 30 minute coaching call.  You'll also get feedback on your completed workbook.

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

You'll get access to over 30 video tutorials with step-by-step instructions on various aspects and techniques on how to use rhythm and drums. The techniques can be applied for self-care plus 1-2-1 and group sessions.

Other resources

Other Learning Resources

You'll be able to take quizzes and download many other great online learning resources, including: handbooks, a workbook and audio recordings. These are meant to complement your learning journey.

Purchase Course For $498 USD

What Students Say About This Course

"This course was an amazing introduction into the world of sound healing!  The videos were informative, and the workbook gave me a chance to dive deeper into my studies through hands-on training.  Even though this was an online course, I received personalized attention from my tutor, so I did not feel like I missed out on anything by not completing it online.  I can't wait to begin my Level 2 training and start the next part of my journey to being a sound healing practitioner."

~ Gareth Laffely (USA)

" I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I think the quality of the videos and audio recordings is excellent. The quality of lighting, voice/sound, speed, etc. are well controlled and make it easy to follow along at a nice pace. When written material is presented it is easy to read and well explained.  I loved all the information and demonstrations of additional grounding instruments: ocean drum, harmony balls, maracas, rain sticks. I had no knowledge of these tools at all, so it was quite beneficial to see/hear them in action."

~ Cheri P


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