Sound Healing Practitioner - Simone Meschnig - Dublin, Ireland

About Simone
Simone is an associate teacher and tutor of the Sound Healing Academy since 2014.
Her intention is to create a safe space in her workshops, where participants can allow themselves to completely relax while she mindfully guides them through their healing journey of sound. With her joyful and intuitive nature she creates a wonderful learning-through-experiencing environment.
Simone practises sound therapy in her beautiful space called Sound Oasis, a name lovingly inspired by her clients.
She feels moved to allow the sound healing work to touch all areas of her life, and supports others on their own paths in doing so as well. Deeply inspired by the sound healing practiced on the Sound Healing Academy course as well as other trainings, she integrates the sounds of her instruments and voice in her own creative way into other fields she is passionate about such as yoga, meditation, laughter yoga and runes yoga. Even her art and her dancing have been touched creatively by sound work.
Over the years her sound work has become an integral part of nutrition retreats, women’s workshops and holistic festivals. In addition, Simone weaves sound work into the yoga and meditation retreats that she runs in Ireland, Croatia and Austria.
Simone’s Qualifications & Experience:
- Certified Sound Therapist (covers working 1-2-1 with Clients and with Groups)
- Certified in Shamanic Medicine Energy Therapy
- Certified in Leading singing and chanting circles
- Certified Hatha Yoga and Meditation teacher (bilingual English/German)
- Certified Laughter Yoga Leader
- Master’s Degree in Art History
- Artist
Simone explains Sound Healing with the Voice and Sound healing with Laughter (Laughter Yoga)
Practitioner Details
Level 1 Foundations Of Integral Sound Healing (Multi Instrument)
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Crystal Bowls
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Tuning Forks
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Tibetan Singing Bowls
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Voice
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Rhythm & Drums
Level 1 Foundation Certificate: Sound Healing With Gongs
Level 2: Practitioner Diploma In Integral Sound Healing Multi-Instrument Course (1-2-1 Clients)
Level 2: Practitioner Diploma In Integral Sound Healing: Group Work